On the occasion of 150th Anniversary of Swami Akhandanandaji Maharaj a novel and innovative endeavour was made by establishing 20 coaching centres with an objective of integrating academic, vocational and moral education in the villages of our operational area for man-making and character building education as envisaged by Swami Vivekananda.
Under this programme, during 2015-16 an initial survey of infrastructure for running non-formal education center out and initially 20 center were selected on the basis of the survey. Afterward, potential educated boys/girls were identified as resource persons/teacher and were trained at Divyayan for 2 Days. During the year 2016-17,more coaching centers were established. The objective of this training programme was to enable the teacher to provide coaching on formal education, games,extra co-curricular activities, yoga, prayer etc. for the integrated development of the children ensuring physical,mental and spiritual furtherance.
On the basis of survey, necessary aid like dari, black board, chalk,map,globe, books for library, emergency lighting system, honorarium to teachers etc. were provided to ensure smooth running of these coaching centres. Each centre was also provided with sports item like footballs etc for their physical development.
In the same line,with the financial assistance from the group