Like every year this year the Ashrama has conducted 3 Regional Kisan Melas based on the theme “Healthy soil- Healthy crop- Healthy society through Natural/Organic Farming’. The Regional Kisan Melas were organised in the villages Gutru, Tigranayatoli, and Lamkana under Burmu, Ratu and Bero Blocks respectively. All the Melas were keenly participated by the farmers of the respective locality. The objectives of organizing these Kisan Melas were to demonstrate latest agricultural technologies to the farmers as well as to the extension workers for increasing production and productivity of the farming community. As such, taking advantage of these Farmers’ fairs dissemination of technologies through exhibition and farmer scientist interactions were carried out. All the fairs were able to attract a good number of participation of farmers from different villages of the same Block. On an average every fair received around 400 nos. of exhibits on different agronomical & horticultural crops, animals, birds,handy craft, cottage industry etc. Details of the mela is given as under:

PlaceDate  No. of ExhibitsNo. of PrizesApprox. No. of Farmers Participated
Gutru, Burmu10.01.23691842500
Tigranayatoli, Ratu18.01.23323753000
Lamkana, Bero31.01.23235713500

As a completely natural and sustainable farm management practice, natural farming is not only a farm practice but also a philosophy of working together with nature. Natural farming is a traditional and effective farming system which is very popular now days. After a tumultuous use of chemical fertilizers during the periods of green revolution in most of the parts of the world, people have come to realize that constant use of fertilizers do harm in the long run. For protecting the human wellbeing and health of soil, natural farming is one of the best methods. Hence, for the promoting the natural farming and emerging new technologies into the farming system, two days of Central Kisan Mela (09 February to 10th February) was organized at Getalsud Farm of Angara Block in Ranchi District by the joint collaboration of Ramakrishna Mission and Vivekananda Seva Sangha of Angara Block. The theme of the Mela was “Prakritik/jaivik krishi se hi swasth mitti swasth fasal swasth samaj”. The technology demonstrated in mela was mainly focused on Natual farming, millet crop, bee keeping, lac cultivation based on natural farming, goatary farming etc. The Mela was mainly sponsored by KVK (SCSP) project, National Bank for agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD), Agriculture Technology Management Agency (ATMA).

Objectives of the farmers’ fair:

1. To bring awareness among the farmer about the importance of the natural farming system and millet crops.

2. To introduce farmers with new technologies of integrated agriculture.

3. To popularize natural farming and boost confidence among the farmer in adopting natural farming for the sake of environment and health without losing productivity.

4. To demonstrate low cost implements to reduce drudgery and increase agricultural productivity.

5. To provide an opportunity for exchange of ideas/ technologies/ innovation among farmers an various stake holders.

6. To send a message among the rural mass that integrated watershed approach is the best way bring development in the rural area.

7. To inform the farmers about the role of banks in agriculture. 

To meet the above objectives different types of extension aids like stalls, models, live demonstrations,

audio-visual shows, charts and posters were developed and Kisan Gosth is organized during Mela. At the events and shows were conducted in local/Hindi language. Scientists from the different Agriculture Universities and Research Stations were invited in Mela for the direct interaction with the farmers. Though the Mela was opened to the farmers since 8:00 am on 9th February, 2023 but it was formally inaugurated at 1:00 pm by Sri Badal Patralekh, Hon’ble agriculture minister, Jharkhand and Sri Rajesh Kashyap MLA, Khijari and on second day (10th February) Sri Sudesh mahto, MLA silli was the chief guest and other dignitaries like Dr M.S.Rao, CGM, NABARD, Dr O.N.Singh, Vice Chancellor, BAU, Ranchi

Crop and Animal Exhibition: To encourage and to increase the participation of the farmers and for horizontal dissemination of technology the farmers were informed in prior to bring their own produce as exhibits and were awarded for the best produce. 557 crop were brought by farmers like vegetables, fruits, handcrafts, lac, and mushroom were of good quality. 115 farmers were given prizes for their best exhibits.

Stalls and Live models: 32 stalls from various research institutes, private seed and fertilizer companies agricultural implements companies etc. were there besides the stalls of Divyayan Krisi Vigyan Kendra Ramkrishna Mission Vivekananda University and other departments of Ashrama. Krishi vigyan Kendra put their stall on “Natural Farming” which was based on 3 sub-themes

1) Prakritik sansadhan prabandhan, tikau aajivika ka shrot

2) Prakritik kheti/Jaivik kheti parampara bhi, aaj ki jarurat bhi

3) Poshak Anaj se Posan Suraka

Under sub theme one, goatary management, bee keeping, lac cultivation, contour farming, azolla cultivation etc were displayed.

Under sub theme two, 4 pillars of natural farming i.e. Jivamrit, bijamrit, akshadan and Vapsa were displayed and natural farming inputs like indigenous and improved variety of major crop, products from natural farming were also displayed.

Under subtheme 3, all the raw millet grains, millet processing model and millet based 25 recipes were displayed, millet rangoli and millet thali was also displayed to make farmers aware of the techniques of millet processing and its health benefits. Apart from Divyayan Krishi Vigyan Kendra and Ashram Stalls, different Government and Non-Government organizations installed their stalls.

Kisan Gosthi: Kisan goshti were organized on each day of Mela and discussion were held on different subjects of farmer’s interest like lac cultivation, crop production, vegetable farming, natural/organic cultivation, farm implements and dairy. The problems of different areas of agriculture and allied field raised by the farmers were directly addressed by the concern scientists. Scientists from various universities & research institutes and 500 farmers participated in the Kisan Goshti.

Concluding session: On the 2nd day of the Mela, a concluding session was held in which the chief gues was Sri Sudesh Kumar Mahto, MLA, Silli, Jharkhand. The other dignitaries like, Sri M. S. Rao chief genera manager of NABARD, Dr O. N. Singh, Vice Chancellor, of Birsa agriculture University, Swam Bhaveshanada, Secretary, Ramkrishna Mission Ashrama, Ranchi embellished the Mela by their presend and jointly concluding the session.

While addressing the farmers, dignitaries discussed the importance of natural farming. Givin importance to the farmers, Chief Guest appreciated the technology demonstrated by divyayan KVK a

other organisations and suggested doing natural farming in different areas of Ranchi district. T Secretary of Ramakrishna Mission Swami Bhaveshananda appealed to farmers for adopting natu farming practices. Giving information about the organic farming Swami ji said that through natu farming farmers can improve their wealth as well as health.

Awards: In concluding session various awards are given in different categories which are given belov Category 1: Best Farmer award: Sri Santosh Bediya, Barwatoli, Angara

Category 2: Best Organic Farmer Award: Shri Shiv Charan Bediya, Gundlitoli, Angara

Category 3: Best Vivekananda Seva Sangh: Obar Vivekanada Seva Sangh

Category 4: Best stall (Govt.): ICAR-RCER, FSRCHPR, Ranchi

Category 5: Best stall (Private): Dublabera seva sangh

Updated on 11th July 2024