• Total No. of Self Help Groups       – 416
  • No. of Women SHGs                    – 400
Groups Involved in Activities No. of Groups
No. of groups involved in Incense stick making 03
No. of groups involved in Fisheries 14
No. of groups involved in Mushroom Prod. 03
No. of groups involved in Goatery 65
No. of groups involved in Poultry and Duckery 66
No. of groups involved in Vermi Composting 04
No. of groups involved in Lac Production 24
No. of groups involved in Piggery 15
No. of groups involved in Weaving 02
No. of groups involved in Vegetable Farming 25
No. of groups involved in Food Processing 02
No. of groups involved in Puffed rice Making 13
 No. of groups involved in Stitching 01
 No. of groups involved in other Business 10
During the year 2016-17, 56 follow up programmes were conducted during which many SHGs  presented their success stories and some SHGs came out with some problems which were addressed to in  the same programme itsef. As per the demand raised in these follow-up programmes, training programmes on different subjects were conducted later on as per details given below:
Subject No. of Training Programmes No. of Participants
Animal Husbandry 2 102
Nutritional Garden 4 166
Goat Farming 7 233
Poultry 1 18
Mahua Processing 1 35
Food Processing 1 11
Apart from the above mentioned training programmes,2 Self Help Group conferences were organised with an objective of capacity building of SHG members where government officers, department heads and administrative officers concerned were invited to interact with the SHG members and encourage them. whatever whatever whatever