Naren Eye and Vivekananda Eye Camp Programme

This Ashrama, in collaboration with Blind Foundation for India,USA,has been executing Naren Eye Care (for children) and Vivekananda Eye Camp Programme (Cataract detection and operation adult) since 2010 for providing eye care service to the rural children and adult deprived of all types of medical facilities. Generally the headmasters of respective schools are contacted through our volunteers of Vivekandna Seva Sangh to fix the date of the camp.Then in the camp, eye chedk-up es done followed by a small awareness meeting on the”Proper Care of Eye”. Once the children are identified with problem in eye sight they are provided with spectacles in the next camp.Children are also provided with medicines like vitamin-A, de-worming tablets, eye drop etc. The cataract operation camps are also organided for the elderly people. After the identification of cataract, proper medical tests are done before cataract surgery.

To execute programme successfully, this Ashrama had a collaboration with Bihar Eye Blank Trust, Ranchi which bore all the operation and post operation costs. The performance record of this programme is as given below:

Naren Eye Care (Children Eye Sight Programme) and Vivekananda Eye Camp (Cataract Identification/ Operation Camp for Elderly People)

 Total  Number of Camps  149
 Total Number of Villages  136
 Total Number of Children Beneficiaries  16034
 Total Number of Spectacles Provided  361
 Total Number of Patients covered under Cataract Identification Camp 3549
 Total Number of Patients undergone cataract operation  96

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